19 April, 2021
Tags aena, aircargo, airfreight, airportservices, barajas, firstline, iashandling, newcontract, transportofgoods

IAS handling has been awarded a 30 years concession to build an operate a brand new first line facility in Aeropuerto Adolfo Suarez Madrid Barajas.
Sinergies between Barcelona and Madrid
Step forward that allows the company to offer cargo handling sinergies required between Barcelona and Madrid airports that will be available for airlines and forwarders.
As expected, the news was published in several communication media,
IAS Handling y Alaire se adjudican dos parcelas en primera línea de Madrid-Barajas – El Mercantil
To find out more about the services available:
#newcontract #firstline #barajas #aena #iashandling #airportservices #airfreight #aircargo # goods #transportofgoods